Neck Lift Salt Lake City




We hear the phrase “I hate my neck” so often that we are setting up everything you ever wanted to know about the neck and neck aging on our website! Look out for detailed photos and information shortly.

Laxity of neck skin, with early jowling and early deposition of fat along the jawline and in the neck are the earlies signs of aging seen on on the lower part of the face and neck, often by patients in their thirties!

I call this the beautiful woman’s problem: it is those that are blessed with beauty that will notice these changes first: some sort of divine revenge, methinks!

That is not to say that others will not notice the changes and even men are not immune to noticing these changes. When these changes first appear, it is only reasonable that some sort of improvement is sought. Although advertising allows many companies and surgeons to claim “facelift in a bottle” or “facelift and necklift with lasers or ultrasound”, there is no completely reliable way of improving the changes without some sort of intervention.  

Important: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Before/after photos are for reference purpose only. Individual results may vary.

 LIMITED NECKLIFT procedures (without a full facelift) can include one or more of the following:

1. Kybella injections into the submental area to improve the fullness.

2. Liposuction of the neck to improve the submental fullness as well as some of the fullness laterally and at the jowls.

3. Direct lateral necklift with incisions behind the ears.

4. Direct lateral necklift with incisions behind the ears together with a submental incision and use of Giampappa sutures.

5. Central incision with plication of the platysma muscle (platysma-plasty).

6. The Patel Hammock Lift with elevation of the cheeks and liposuction of the jowls and the neck: this is a very powerful procedure which gives nice long-lasting results without the need for a full facelift. 

7. The FULL Face and Necklift: still the gold standard. Gives a brilliant neck every single time!!

We will assess your concerns and examine your neck so we may show you the changes and also give you an idea which procedure or procedures might give you the best results. The degree of invasiveness varies: we will go over that as well. 

Here we will cover the platysma-plasty plication procedure to improve neck laxity. 


How is the Neck Lift (platysma-plasty/ platysma-plication) surgery procedure performed?

The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia. A small incision is made under your chin in front and/or behind the ear to access the platysma (neck muscle) and tighten it as required. We may also perform liposuction on the neck to remove excess fat deposits in the area. Some excess skin is also removed through the incisions and the incisions are closed using sutures.

Following the surgery, you will have a compression bandage to help decrease the swelling.

Who is a good candidate for platysma-plication surgery?

Patients with loose and prominent neck bands but minimal loose skin are excellent candidates for this surgery.

Patients with loose neck skin (turkey neck) may need face lift surgery in conjunction with platysma-plasty to properly address the sagging neck skin and muscles.


What is the downtime for neck lift surgery?

Initial downtime associated with neck lift surgery may include swelling, bruising, tightness, tingling, numbness and pulling sensation in the area for first 24–72 hours.

Most patients are able to return to light activities within 7 days after the procedure. We advise our patients not to participating in strenuous physical activity for at least three weeks. Scars are very well hidden and continue to fade over time.

Preparation for neck lift surgery

Preparation for a neck lift (and any surgery) involves:

  • Avoiding blood-thinning medication like Nurofen, aspirin (unless for medical reasons), St John’s Wart, fish oil etc. for at least two weeks prior to the surgery. This prevents excess bleeding during the procedure and reduces post-surgical swelling and bruising.
  • Taking a herbal medication called Arnica for reducing post procedural bruising and recovery time. We recommend that it should be taken daily for at least five days before your treatment day. It is available over the counter through most pharmacies and herbal food stores.
  • No alcohol being consumed a day before surgery as it increases the risk of procedural bleeding and hence any bruising and swelling. Alcohol and cigarettes also interfere with the normal healing process, increase the risk of potential complications and prolong the recovery time.

Want to be assessed and learn more about options?

Contact our clinic today to discuss your options for a mini face lift. To book an appointment, please click here..

Site of the “English Surgeon”. Dr. BCK Patel MD, FRCS, Salt Lake City, St. George, Layton, Orem, Mid-Town, London Site of the "English Surgeon" website. Dr. BCK Patel MD, FRCS, Salt Lake City, St. George, Layton, Orem, Mid-Town, Utah; London, England

Originator of London Blepharoplasty, London Facelift, London Browlift, Patel Hammock Lift, SMURF Festoon Correction. Created by Patel Plastic Surgery - Dr. Bhupendra C. K. Patel MD, FRCS

Dr. BCK Patel MD, FRCS 1025E 3300S Salt Lake City, Utah 84106, USA (801) 413-3599 (phone/text) E:

Dr. BCK Patel MD, FRCS 585 E Riverside Dr Suite 201 Saint George, UT 84790 (435) 215-0014 E: