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Patel Plastic surgery

Cosmetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery: home of the English Surgeon

Cosmetic Surgery demands attention to detail: anatomy, physiology, aging, and an artist's eye. Come and look at our results and techniques, many of which we have developed and published in the International Plastic Surgery Literature.



Recreating beautiful faces... and bodies.....

Using the latest technology to achieve results with minimal discomfort and minimal downtime

Have a look at some of our most recent advances and new technologies

Tattoo removal with picosecond laser by Dr. BCK Patel MD
Pore reduction with advanced lasers
Acne scar reduction with the use of Nd:YAG picosecond lasers
Improvement of melanoma with the use of picosecond lasers
Dark circles on eyelids treated with picosecond lasers
Improvement in skin tone and tightness with picosecond lasers

Dr Patel did a fantastic job with his facelift “revision” on my face. I had given up hope after a botched facelift 5 years ago left me with scars and stretch marks that no other doctor would even consider correcting. Not only did Dr Patel take me on, he worked MAGIC! Both my husband and I are forever grateful. I look like my natural self again and I am ready to put my nightmare behind me and look towards the future. Thank you, thank you, thank you Dr Patel!

Debbie Keller Avatar Debbie Keller

Amazing! I had my surgery a month ago. What an improvement it made. I look like a much younger version of myself. My skin is so youthful and beautiful. I can't say enough about Dr. Patel. He is a very skilled surgeon and I am so very grateful for the care I received.

Erik Sjogren Avatar Erik Sjogren

It took over 3 years to diagnose my condition of blepharospasm, and it was a lonely frustrating journey along the way. I will not list the doctors that were unable to help me, as I hold nothing against them, they just didn’t have the knowledge to diagnose or fix my problem. In March of 2015, I noticed a “distraction” with my eyes..excessive blinking and winking. I visited my primary care doctor. He thought my condition was dry eyes so he referred me to an optometrist. I had no relief so I visited another optometrist based on a recommendation of my friend. This doctor recommended heat compress, eye wipes, vitamin e, and eye drops. They were still heavy, difficult to keep open, and especially painful when driving. After that, I tried many doctors and many treatments for several years. Eventually, I found a Dr. Salinas in Las Vegas who concluded that I had blephoraspasm with apraxia, and it was very rare. He recommended me to Dr. Digre with John A Moran Eye Center in Salt Lake City. By the time I got to Dr Digre, my symptoms were bad. Often my eyes ache and it was painful to look up, to be in sunlight, to drive, and to focus on writing. I continued to have spasms in my cheeks right below my eyes (I only noticed when I was ready to go to sleep and am totally relaxed). Sometimes I would wake up because my eyes seem to be clenching shut, they ached and I would have to open them and make them “relax” when closing them again. Finally, in the last several months, I have noticed that my left eye doesn’t respond as quickly as the right. I “tell” my eyes to open, one would open faster than the other. When I went to see Dr. Digre in April of 2018, I was desperate to find answers. I had tried everything the doctors prescribed. From drops to gel to warm socks over my eyes. From humidifier to flaxseed oil. Surgery to lift my brow. Tear duct plugs. The special process called Lipiflow. Botox Shots. My problem had deteriorated to the point that my eyes spasmed so often that it made it difficult to drive, run, hike, even work. Dr. Digre and her staff made me feel like the most important person in the world. They eventually referred me to Dr. Buphendra Patel (he works in Salt Lake City as well as St. George). His knowledge, his expertise, his caring, and most of all the botox treatment that he has given me (and will continue to provide every three months) has literally turned my life around. I had botox before but it was not the dosage or the position of the muscles that it needed to be. His technique, the amount of time he took to listen to me and understand the issue…it has changed my outlook on what life is for me. While it’s not perfect, and I will never be exactly as I was before, I can now enjoy my life again. I can drive, I can work, I can hike on the weekends. I have my life back. I know this is a long story and I’m sorry if it repeats too much. I felt like I was the only on the planet with this condition. It was taking away everything I loved to do. And to discover that it was possible to have all that back because of a few amazing doctors that are caring, professional, and design their practice around truly learning what the issue is and providing some relief to that….well, that deserves to be shared, if for no other reason to recognize Dr. Digre and Dr. Patel and their staff for the amazing and awesome job they are doing. But if you are like me and suffer these same symptoms, please do not despair. You are not alone and there is help available!

Karen Basilotta Avatar Karen Basilotta

My naturally lazy eye became progressively worse with age. This impacted my peripheral vision and caused my eyes to strain following long days in front of a computer. In the last few years, people began asking if was tired or worried. I saw Dr. Patel at Moran Eye Center. He recommended repair. Dr. Patel has incredible knowledge, skill, and experience. I respect his competence and trusted him to address the problem. Of course, I wanted the results to look natural. It has been almost two months since the procedure. My lazy eye is gone and I have peripheral vision again! My eyes aren’t tired or strained and the results are natural, improving my appearance. Dr. Patel gives his patients undivided attention and amazing care. What a gift he is to the medical community and those he treats! I also want to recognize the team Dr. Patel has developed, including students and staff. They collectively contributed to my positive experience.

Kim Ziebarth Avatar Kim Ziebarth

art washes away from the soul


pablo picasso

Advanced Cosmetic & Reconstructive Solutions…..


Whether you have reconstructive needs or cosmetic needs, or, indeed, both, we are able to assess, plan and execute to give you the best results….using our names techniques of London Facelift, London Blepharoplasty, London Browlift and Hammock Cheeklifts…….


Using the latest techniques in cosmetic surgery, we provide the best solutions for your aesthetic concerns. Come and see the results we get with facelifts, browlifts, upper blepharoplasty, lower blepharoplasty, cheek lifts, neck lifts, lasers, filers and toxins. Many of the techniques have been developed by us and published: surgeons the world over use our techniques.


Careful planning of reconsructive surgery yields the best functional and aesthetic outcomes. Anatomy and physiology, together with knowledge of the disease process or trauma, are paramount. Whether we are seeing you for ptosis (droopy upper eyelids), thyroid eye disease, blepharospasm, ectropion or skin cancer, you will always get the best possible medical and surgical results. 


Cosmetic improvements do not always require surgery. Using lasers, fillers, neuro-modulators, and other non-invasive techniques, see how well we can improve minor and, sometimes, major changes that affect the face, neck and chest. Look up our techniques and results on englishsurgeon.com.


Male grooming, growing awareness about skin cancer and changing social trends in general have resulted in more men pursuing options for healthier skin.

Bhupendra C K Patel MD, FRCS; englishsurgeon.com. BCK Patel MD, Patel Plastic Surgery.
Male: Bhupendra C K Patel MD, FRCS; englishsurgeon.com. BCK Patel MD, Patel Plastic Surgery.

potential means nothing

If you don't do anything with it.

Unknown Author

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To always over-deliver: results without compromise. Only the best will do. 

Introduction to Facelifts

“The practice of Cosmetic Surgery is as much an art as it is a science. The aesthetic sense of a clinician in evaluating a patient is as important as his or her clinical skills. At Medaesthetics®, our philosophy is to artistically enhance your appearance in a subtle way so that others will only notice a fresher, more youthful-looking you. I truly feel that we have a special practice and we treat all of our patients like family. Our goal is the most natural rejuvenation in the safest clinical environment with the utmost patient care and attention.”.

Come and see us for an assessment and discussion of options…….

Practice Locations

Salt Lake City – St George – London – Orem – Layton


The prospect of having a younger looking face without the need for surgery appeals to many people. In a fast-moving society, most people have little time to undertake a long recovery period after surgery. We offer a wide range of cosmetic medical procedures tailored to suit each individual patient.

Acne Scars Treatment Salt Lake City

Anti-Wrinkle Injections,Wrinkle Relaxers Salt Lake City

Dermal Fillers Salt Lake City

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) Salt Lake City

Medical Skin Needling Salt Lake City

Thread Lift Salt Lake City

Zeltiq CoolSculpting Salt Lake City


We have designed, developed and published techniques which are now used the world over and include:

London Blepharoplasty

London Facelift

London Browlift

London Necklift


In today’s fiercely competitive job market, research shows an increased demand for cosmetic procedures among men hoping that a fresher look will improve their chances of advancing their careers or to stay in the work force for longer.

These days, there is more to men’s skin care than shaving creams and razers.

At Patel Plastic Surgery we offer a wide range of cosmetic services exclusively designed for our male clients.

www.englishsurgeon.com: Site of the "English Surgeon" website. Dr. BCK Patel MD, FRCS, Salt Lake City, St. George, Layton, Orem, Mid-Town, Utah; London, England

Originator of London Blepharoplasty, London Facelift, London Browlift, Patel Hammock Lift, SMURF Festoon Correction. Created by Patel Plastic Surgery - Dr. Bhupendra C. K. Patel MD, FRCS

Dr. BCK Patel MD, FRCS 1025E 3300S Salt Lake City, Utah 84106, USA (801) 413-3599 (phone/text) E: info@patelplasticsurgery.com

Dr. BCK Patel MD, FRCS 585 E Riverside Dr Suite 201 Saint George, UT 84790 (435) 215-0014 E: drbckpatel@gmail.com


We look forward to meeting you to discuss solutions and treatments that may best suit your needs. Please make an appointment

Universities & Colleges Of Dr. BCK Patel