FACE LIFT (Rhytidectomy) SALT LAKE CITY and Saint George, Utah


Surgical FaceLift (Rhytidectomy) is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed to lift sagging facial tissue and restore youthful contours to give you the look that is more consistent with how you feel.

Unfortunately, many names have been given to cervico-facial rhytidectomy (or facelift and necklift). Some of them include “The Weekend Face Lift”, ” The S-Lift” and ” Life-style Face Lift”, “Weekend lift”, etc. These many different names just confuse patients (and surgeons!). It is best to think of facelifts as a combination of a lower facelift and a necklift. Furthermore, these procedures are best presented as “small”, “medium”, and “full”. 

ADVICE: Always know what you want improved and how much so you don’t get talked into having “quick lifts”, “mango lifts”, “almond lifts” and the like. Address the issues that bother you and we can guide you as to how aggressive or conservative you can be and show you exactly the results you can expect. This will save you time, trouble and costs. Here are brief descriptions of the different degrees of facelifts (rhytidectomy) that may be performed but it is best to show you the options personally. 


Many people do not want the full extent of incisions and dissection for many reasons. If you are looking to get a moderate improvement in the lower face, jawline and neck, without fat grafts, laser, incisions behind the ears and other additional techniques, the small facelift will be ideal for you. The incisions are kept mostly in front of the ear, with perhaps a small extension round the ear lobe to behind the ear. This will allow the surgeon to have more limited access to the neck tissues and neck bands, Therefore, by definition, your neck tightening and your jawline tightening will be good but not brilliant. However, the procedure is shorter (lasting 2.5 hours) and the incisions are smaller. 

Important: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. Before/after photos are for reference purpose only and are subject to Copy Right laws. Individual results may vary.


In a medium facelift (RHYTIDECTOMY), there will be an incision below the chin to allow access to some of the neck structures. The incisions are still kept mostly in front of the ear, with a small extension around the earlobe to a small extension behind the ear. In a medium facelift, the following procedures are performed and the following improvements sought:

  • Remove excessive jowling in the lower face
  • Remove deep creases that appear between the nose and mouth and
  • Restores a sharper and more defined jawline
  • Improve neck sagging

It provides natural looking results with shorter operative time, quicker recovery, and less potential for complications compared with full face lifts. 

How is the Medium  Facelift (rhytidectomy) procedure preformed?

The procedure is performed under sedation anaesthesia as a day-procedure without the requirement for hospital admission.

This minimally invasive procedure involves less undermining of the skin than the traditional face lift and does not require exposing the facial nerve branches.

The procedure is characterised by short incisions, limited skin undermining and suture suspension of the deep tissue (SMAS) of the face.

How long the procedure takes? 

The mediumi face lift procedure is quicker, taking an average of three hours versus the four to five hours required for a traditional (or full) face lift.

It is tolerated quite well by the patient and there is significantly less risk of DVT and other potential complications associated with longer duration surgeries.

What is the recovery from a medium facelift (rhytiectomy) surgery?

Most people tolerate the MACS lift reasonably well. Since no general anaesthesia is administered; patients are able to go home straight after the surgery and do not required prolonged post-surgical inpatient monitoring.

While facial swelling and some bruising is common, the severity and duration is more limited when compared with a traditional face lift.

Light activity is permitted within 72 hours, and patients can return to work within 7 to 10 days.

englishsurgeon.com These photos show the improvement possible with a full facelift or rhytidectomy together with fat grafts and the use of the CO2 laser and also augmentation of the chin and treatment of the lip lines and long upper lip. By BCK Patel MD, FRCS, Salt Lake City, St. George, London
A FULL facelift and necklift with fat grafts, CO2 laser, shortening of long upper lip, chin augmentation

Patients may have some facial numbness after the surgery, which will disappear with time. The non-absorbent stitches are usually taken out at day 6 or 7, provided the wound has healed reasonably well. Generally, the scars are not noticeable and begin to fade quickly within a few weeks.

We have the most extensive range of Fractional CO2 Lasers to help reduce any type of scarring whether related to a surgery or trauma.


In a FULL facelift (termed a rhytidectomy), there will be an incision below the chin to allow access to the neck structures and the incisions extend from in front of the ears to behind the ears. There is more extensive dissection but this allows better manipulation of the SMAS as well as the jowls and neck laxity, neck fat and neck bands.  In a full facelift, the following procedures are performed and the following improvements sought:

  • Remove excessive jowling in the lower face
  • Remove deep creases that appear between the nose and mouth and
  • Restores a sharper and more defined jawline
  • Improve neck sagging
  • Improve fullness of the neck
  • improve the fatty deposits that are so common below the chin and in the neck
  • accentuate the sternocleidomastoid muscles to give the neck better definition
  • Obtain and use fat grafts to give fullness to the lips, the nasolabial folds, the melolabial folds and also to give fullness to the cheeks (create the “model’s” cheeks)/
  • Use the CO2 laser to improve the lip lines that are so very often present and to improve some of the accordian or sleep lines that occur just outside the corners of the mouth on the cheeks.

Am I a good candidate and which procedure should I choose to have?

The phrase “horses for courses” applies to facelifts. Not everyone needs a FULL FACELIFT (cervico-facial rhytidectomy). However, not everyone who has a MINI FACELIFT will get the improvement they seek. It is best to let us assess you, show you the changes, and present the options to you. Although we always want to give you the best possible result, it is YOU who is important in the decision making process. Some patients just don’t want an extensive FULL FACELIFT and as long as they understand that the smaller procedures will not give all the improvements we can get with the FULL FACELIFTS, the choice will be an easy one.

We will guide you and give you ample time to ask questions and decide what is best for you.

Preparation for all Face Lifts (Rhytidectomy).

Preparation for a Face Liftt involves:

  • Avoiding blood-thinning medication like Nurofen, aspirin (unless for medical reasons), St John’s Wart, garlic, ginger, herbal tonics, fish oil etc. for at least two weeks prior to the surgery. This prevents excess bleeding during the procedure and reduces post-surgical swelling and bruising. Important:Please inform your GP and seek professional medical advice before stopping any regular medication.
  • We recommend patients to take a herbal medication called Arnica for reducing post procedural bruising and recovery time. It should be taken daily for at least five days before your treatment day. It is available over the counter through most pharmacies and herbal food stores.
  • No alcohol being consumed for at least a week before surgery as it increases the risk of procedural bleeding and hence any bruising and swelling. Alcohol and cigarettes also interfere with the normal healing process, increase the risk of potential complications and prolong the recovery time.

Can I have other procedures performed at the same time as having a face lift (rhytidectomy)?

In theory, patients can undergo browlifts, upper and lower blepharoplasty, cheek lifts, chin implants, fat grafts, CO2 laser treatment and several other surgical and laser treatments. Based upon the changes present and also what is desired, together with your health and the duration of the anesthesia which is safe, we can guide you. Many of our patients divide up facial cosmetic surgery into two: they first have browlifts, upper and lower blepharoplsty and cheek lifts. Some six months (or more) later, they will undergo a face and necklift. This way, the duration of the anesthesia is kept to a more reasonable length and patients also recover more quickly.

To book an appointment, please click here.

To learn all about facelifts, and what to expect, please go to our Facelift Page here.

★★★★★ RealSelf

“To Dr. Patel about my Facelift Results: I have spent time today reviewing your point-by-point description of everything you did for me and how you did it; I referred to the before and after photos countless times. I am in absolute awe. Your facelift results are nothing short of miraculous. You are absolutely correct, If you had told me what you intended to do, I would have most likely taken a pass from being confused and fearful of the results. You have a gift. Your skills are beyond my comprehension. You have taken a woman, me, who had spent the better part of 15 years being injected with Juvederm to ward off my hereditary jowls, then the signs of aging. I had gotten to a point, that there was not enough Juvederm to keep up with my aging process. I had resigned myself to forever having my Grandmother’s jowls. I became discouraged. Though I loved Grandma dearly, I did not love her jowls. I also never realized I had such a gobble neck not seeing myself in 3-D on a regular basis. Then I discovered your gifts through Marlene. Though I had always said I would never, ever get a face lift due to fear of a possible adverse outcome, the joy and confidence, plus the fabulous results from Marlene sealed the deal. I can’t even begin to tell you how very pleased and joyful I am by my results thus far and I know they will only improve with time. Thank you for doing such an amazing job for me and on me!  -Toni J

Bhupendra C.K. Patel, MD
Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon

Overall rating: ★★★★★

www.englishsurgeon.com: Site of the "English Surgeon" website. Dr. BCK Patel MD, FRCS, Salt Lake City, St. George, Layton, Orem, Mid-Town, Utah; London, England

Originator of London Blepharoplasty, London Facelift, London Browlift, Patel Hammock Lift, SMURF Festoon Correction. Created by Patel Plastic Surgery - Dr. Bhupendra C. K. Patel MD, FRCS

Dr. BCK Patel MD, FRCS 1025E 3300S Salt Lake City, Utah 84106, USA (801) 413-3599 (phone/text) E: info@patelplasticsurgery.com

Dr. BCK Patel MD, FRCS 585 E Riverside Dr Suite 201 Saint George, UT 84790 (435) 215-0014 E: drbckpatel@gmail.com


We look forward to meeting you to discuss solutions and treatments that may best suit your needs. Please make an appointment